LSR Horticultural Therapy
Formerly Seattle Horticultural Therapy
Laura Simonds-Rumpf, HTR
Registered Horticultural Therapist
Facilitating wellness through the people-plant connection
"Laura taught me how to do things for myself" - Phillip
"Laura clearly takes into consideration the limitations of our clients so that all participants will be engaged. The participants are dedicated to their plants. I think it helps them experience a sense of hope." - Recreation Therapist & colleague.

Adaptive tools enable those with severe physical challenges to enjoy gardening.

Flower arranging provides choice and a sense of control . The flow that results in purposeful, creative activity enhances quality of life.

Getting into the flow with a nature loom.

Adaptive tools enable those with severe physical challenges to enjoy gardening.
"I like working at the Melwood Garden Center because it makes me feel peaceful" - Shavonne
"This activity is so lovely; it feels so...smooth" - Memory Care Unit client