LSR Horticultural Therapy
Formerly Seattle Horticultural Therapy
Laura Simonds-Rumpf, HTR
Registered Horticultural Therapist
Facilitating wellness through the people-plant connection

The 3 Sisters interplanting technique is a method used by indigenous populations.This symbiotic, giving and receiving relationship of corn which provides support, beans which put nitrogen into the soil, and squash which helps retain soil moisture and discourages weeds, all on one mound is a metaphor for the interdependence of humans and our need for each other in order to thrive.
Horticultural therapy, as defined by the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA), is the participation in horticultural activities facilitated by a registered horticultural therapist to achieve specific goals within an established treatment, rehabilitation, or vocational plan. Horticultural therapy is an active process which occurs in the context of an established treatment plan where the process itself is considered the therapeutic activity rather than the end product.
These goals include improving the health, quality of life and overall well-being of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.
HT programs may have a vocational, therapeutic, and/or social wellness focus.
They may be designed for rehabilitation, to mitigate chronic health conditions, or to increase psychosocial/emotional health.
Plants and gardens have been sources of inspiration, reflection and spiritual renewal throughout civilization. Plants are a non-judgmental medium that, as a metaphor, remind us of the presence of hope, the inevitable cycle of life, and our interdependence; our connection to nature.
Inspiring HT programs exist around the world. Check out some examples of horticultural therapy in practice.